There’s a lot of porn out there. In fact, Project Know found that 420 million web pages are pornographic.
With so much porn clearly there are a lot of people watching it, even if many won’t openly admit to that truth. One source found that 68% of young men view porn at least once a week. Porn is easily accessible, a lot of it is free, and it’s arousing, so who in their right mind would want to quit?
Something you may be completely unaware of is that there’s a lot of inherent danger that goes along with viewing porn. Now I know what you’re thinking, what could possibly be dangerous about watching some clips and wanking by yourself in the privacy (I hope) of your own home?
Recent brain research from Cambridge has revealed that porn is addictive just like cocaine. No that’s not a typo, in a study done they found the same reactions in the brains of frequent porn users that you see in a cocaine addicts brain through brain scan imagery.
In fact, a lot of information has come to light in recent years on the brain science behind porn addiction. More information on this, as well as links to all of the studies, can be found at Your Brain on Porn.
To summarize porn addiction, the novelty of searching through what your brain perceives as unlimited new potential mates releases Dopamine, which is a chemical in your brain’s reward circuit. Spikes in Dopamine cause the production of DeltaFosB which over time causes brain changes. The changes in your brain’s reward circuit keep you hooked on porn because your brain is perceiving it as a positive reward or something critical to your survival, which clearly humans have survived without porn for quite some time.
Now this is where things get touchy because many people well say but what if I’m not addicted to porn? Truthfully, whether you are addicted, you’re not addicted, or you’re addicted and in denial about it, it’s actually quite irrelevant here because in all three cases the reasons to quit watching porn apply.

With that said, let’s get started.
  1. Porn can cause erectile dysfunction, often referred to as Porn-Induced ED, which ranges from mild erection issues during sex to not being able to have sex at all due to no erection. With severe porn-induced ED Viagra can’t cure it, so the only solution is to quit porn and let your brain change back to normal. On Reddit-NoFap there is a thread where people document their experiences with Porn-Induced ED.
  2. Porn influences your sexual desires and fantasies. This is most clearly noted by how porn users find themselves gravitating towards increasingly extreme content over time to continue to get the same pleasure from porn. This also leads to users wanting to enact these extreme fantasies with their partners. In Ran Gavrieli’s Ted Talk he gives some first hand testimony on the subject.
  3. Porn uses a lot of your time. Porn users have admitted to masturbating anywhere from once to twenty times (holy crap) in one day. That’s a lot of time wanking and looking at a computer screen but doing nothing productive.
  4. Porn isolates you from your friends, family, lovers, and social gatherings. It requires you to spend a lot of time alone and if you’re addicted, addiction desensitizes you to other pleasures such as having conversations with real people.
  5. Porn drains your energy because all that wanking is using up all your sexual energy and this is precious energy that could be used for literally ANYTHING else. Those who quit porn cite having incredible productivity and energy after wards and Albert An is one such example.
  6. Improved sex is cited very often from those who quit using porn. This is not just because of Porn-Induced ED but also because of more intimate sex without the influence of porn, and more natural sex without porn fantasies. Many stories and examples of this can be found on Reddit.
  7. Many porn addicts experience depression, which makes sense because depression often correlates with any addiction. Quitting porn results in helping to address and alleviate this depression.
  8. Social anxiety is often cited by porn users who feel awkward in social settings or with the opposite sex. Again, there is noticeable improvement after they stop watching porn.
  9. Many porn users have difficulty keeping or even starting relationships. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that porn might be adversely affecting their chances do to the social awkwardness, decreased sexual performance, and decreased intimacy just to name a few.
  10. Self confidence is often a casualty from repeated porn use. This can come from the user’s own negative feelings about porn, their inability to quit porn, or link to any of the negative effects of watching porn. Greater self confidence is usually cited by former porn addicts after they quit.
  11. Shame is a huge negative aspect of porn use for a variety of reasons. Users are often ashamed that they watch porn, ashamed because it’s a secret, ashamed because it’s against their religion, ashamed because they feel like they’re cheating on their partner, or ashamed because they can’t stop. Shame can really hurt your self-esteem which leads to wanting to medicate with more porn so you can see this is a viscous cycle.
  12. Porn is addictive and this is a big problem for many people. At this current time there is over 143,000 fapstronauts on Reddit-NoFap, which means there is that many people on that one website alone that are pledging to quit porn and masturbation. That’s a lot of people making a public pledge to quit something and they probably wouldn't be doing so if it was EASY to quit.
  13. Many divorces cite porn as being a cause or grievance that led to the marriage ending. One study found that porn was a factor in 56% of divorce cases in the US. Obviously, porn causes relationship problems and this is a good reason to quit.
  14. To watch porn is to support a questionable industry that mistreats and even abuses it’s actors. From making actors practice unsafe sex to testimony of actresses being forced to do extreme scenes or even being raped, there is certainly a dark side to porn.
  15. Gaining freedom over yourself and your life is a great reason to break this sticky habit. Breaking free from addiction, increasing your time and energy, and increasing your personal productivity are some of the benefits.
  16. Superpowers have been cited by some who quit porn and beat the addiction. They experience levels of self confidence, productivity, and happiness they have never known before and feel as if they have been given “super powers”. This is usually the result of breaking free from porn addiction which can be a positive life changing experience.
    1,000,000. Love is the ultimate reason to quit porn. Porn can hurt your partner or spouse and these wounds may or may not heal, causing you to at best hurt them, and at worst lose them. Wake  up! You could literally lose the love of your life because you watch porn, and that is not a joke. You could also meet them after you quit porn!

So there you have it, one million reasons to quit watching porn right here, right now. Okay, so maybe it wasn't literally a million reasons, but if you weigh them by importance, you’ll find they count for far more than a million. Porn addiction is not so easy to stop so in our next article we will tell you how to discuss looking at porn.

