
Installing a mirror in your kitchen or dining room could help you lose weight, according to a study published in the Journal of the Association for Consumer Research.
Food psychologists claim that literally watching what you eat is but one of many small changes that can prevent you from piling on the pounds. And, as we fight to lose the extra weight we gained over the Christmas period, surely every little helps.
So what other home hacks could help us get trim for 2016?

1. Turn down your heating

It may seem an unattractive prospect – even if we are experiencing an uncharacteristically balmy winter – but turning your heating down may be an effective way to shed those extra pounds.

Research published in the journal Diabetes revealed that colder temperatures enhance the effectiveness of our stores of brown fat – a type of adipose tissue that burns in order to keep us warm. The study discovered that those who slept in a room with a temperature of 18.8 degrees celsius or under were twice as likely to lose weight.

2. Paint your walls blue

Painting the walls of your kitchen or dining room blue may also benefit your waistline.
Ever noticed how fast food outlets such as McDonalds, KFC and Burger King all follow a similar colour scheme of yellows, oranges and reds? Well, they're colours psychologically proven to induce hunger.

Credit: photolibrary.com

Blue has the opposite effect. Interior decorating magazine  Contract found that when they hosted a buffet in three differently-coloured rooms, guests were least likely to eat from the table in the blue room.
Buying blue plates, blue napkins or a blue tablecloth may also help to subconsciously sate your hunger.

3. Sun yourself

Again, this may be difficult to implement given the current climate, but biologists have discovered that not getting enough sun could be detrimental to your ability to lose weight.
Dr Michael Zemel, from the Nutrition Institute at the University of Tennessee, published a study suggesting that when your levels of Vitamin D are low, levels of a hormone called calcitol rise. Calcitol causes the body to hoard fat.
Similarly, Vitamin D is used to reduce production of the stress hormone cortisol - another substance that causes the body to store fat. So to slim down, sunbathe.

Credit: Alamy

4. Ban screens from the bedroom

A commonly-cited trick used to solve many bedroom problems, turning off tablets, laptops and smartphones before bed could also help you lose weight.
A study published in the Pediatric Obesity Journal found that children who frequently use technology and devices in bed are more likely to become fat as they grow older.

As a result of not getting enough rest and therefore suffering from poor lifestyle habits, young people with access to one electronic device were 1.47 times more likely to be overweight as children with no devices in the bedroom.
The figure increased to 2.57 times for those with access to three devices.

Bed phone
Credit: Getty

5. Play soft music at mealtimes

One of the best ways to make mealtimes less frenetic is to play soft music in the background. Whilst the tunes may not be to everybody's taste, the food almost certainly will be, as music encourages more leisurely chewing and a slower pace of consumption.
Reader's Digest reports that soft music breaks up stressed and mindless eating patterns, and turns mealtimes into considered and relaxing experiences. Rather than shovelling food down, the music will create a soothing environment and you will begin to think about whether or not you're only eating the next forkful just because it's there.
Breakfast Radio 

Source : Telegraph.co.uk

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