Obama appoints Muslim as  special assistant in Office of Director for U.S.
To oversee importing tens of thousands of Muslims from jihad countries?
 via U of M graduates receive presidential appointments – Memphis Business Journal.
The University of Memphis’ Leadership Education and Development
(LEAD) program can now boast D.C. appointments in the Obama
Administration for three of its 2014 graduates.
Fatima Noor is now a special assistant in the Office of the Director for
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services in the Department of
Homeland Security .
They will work in the Obama administration until January 2017.
In March of this year, a University of Memphis alum who works in the
White House contacted the Student Affairs administration to say that
she had been successful in getting University of Memphis students a
spot to interview for Presidential Appointments.
According to Meta Laabs, director of Student Affairs at the U of M,
most of these interviews are usually reserved for Ivy League schools.
He added that Okere and Noor had an interest in public service before
participating in the University’s Leadership Exchange, “But that program
seemed to have made it okay for them to pursue that path.”
With apparently no qualifications other than a few volunteer gigs and a hijab. via
Presidential Appointment: Fatima Noor : The Muslim Observer .
She majored in psychology with minors in Spanish and international
relations. She recently completed a month-long research fellowship in
psychology hosted by Carnegie-Mellon and the University of Pittsburgh;
her research will be ongoing for this program. Noor was a leader in
many honor societies at the U of M. She has done volunteer work with
World Relief Memphis and the Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights

Obama has stacked his administration with Muslims – many with nefarious,
terror-linked backgrounds and sympathies.

