Move That Mountain : Solving Big Problems

Problems and challenges are incricate part of the human society(I mean technological problems) and entrepreneurs falls under the category of problem - solvers.

Lots of entrepreneurs falls into a trap building solutions looking for problems; and I'd fallen into this trap before working on mobile app that basically took a lot of time, before realizing that I wasn't solving any problem.

Some entrepreneurs works on little problems, the ones whose users can live without, but others works on slightly bigger problem,while a few others works on big problems and attacks the gorillas.

But, here in Nigeria, I see very few people solving the big problems in our society, one very obvious one is electricity, in which case very few groups,startups or companies are working on fixing this,this I find appalling.I'd also had this discussions several times with lots of people and may of those people believes big problems are the government's job.

I'd almost buy that, but since the government isn't why can't some entrepreneurs come up with a effective,sustainable and low cost alternative ? However, this will requires a lot of resource, takes a lot of mental energy and lots of hard work.

Also, most entrepreneurs will rather go into proven business models with proven technology rather than those that involves some radical innovation because the later is more risky.

However, this safe and so called business models will require a lot of competition while the later will see little to no competition because very few people / entrepreneur dwells with such problems.
These big problems shouldn't be shunned or left to the government only.But rather we should try solving those problems as they not only tend to be more fulfilling, but they also tend to radically makes the life of their customers a lot better as well as more profitable all in the long run.

So do you want to be one of the


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